Flip the Feedback Script!

As we kick off this month’s featured topic, instead of always thinking of feedback as “GIVING FEEDBACK,” let’s flip the script! Instead of looking for opportunities to GIVE FEEDBACK this week … I think we should develop the discipline of ASKING for feedback! Whether you are a leader, team member, parent, or community volunteer, asking […]

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

From my experience of working with leaders and teams, when I mention “emotional intelligence” you easily see the confused looks on their faces. Some people think it is similar to your IQ in that you are either born with emotional intelligence or you’re not, or it is a special gift or talent that only certain […]

Becoming More Self-Aware

Self-awareness is the first component of Emotional Intelligence and is truly the foundation to great leadership. The irony is, when asked, most leaders report they are “highly self-aware,” yet, are completely surprised by the constructive or even negative feedback from a 360 Report. Thus, the problem. As a leader, having a high degree of self-awareness […]

Stop Chasing the Wind

I went to the Cincinnati Zoo this week with my daughter and six grandkids. They decided they wanted to ride the Carousel (we always called it the Merry-Go-Round). So they all climbed up on their exotic animals and the small ones sat in their mystical chariot and around and around they go, and go, and […]

20 Things a Thanksgiving Turkey and a Leader Have in Common

Recently, my marketing specialist challenged me to write a “Thanksgiving blog.” So rather than write about giving thanks, being grateful, or showing gratitude, I decided to do something different. In an effort to have fun and engage my readers I posed the question … “what do Thanksgiving turkeys and leaders have in common?” Here were […]

Why You Should Join #ExerciseLeadershipToday 30-Day Challenge

I am on the Board for the Greater Cincinnati Association of Talent Development and we recently had a Corporate Learning Event featuring a panel of CLOs (Chief Learning Officers) from organizations around the city. During the discussion they shared their thoughts on leadership in the conceptual age, as well as strategies they had implemented to […]

What is the #1 Thing Your Team Wants to Know?

Leaders always seem to be searching for the magic solution that will transform an otherwise good team into a great team. Perhaps the answer is better collaboration, improved engagement, or more autonomy. While these are all great strategies for building a great team, there is one strategy that I believe is more effective than them […]

What do Competitive Organizations Need — And Do You Have It?

To survive in this environment where change is the new norm, competitive organizations need leaders who inspire and support creative thinkers and flexible problem solvers! There are problems to solve, programs to develop, and innovation to drive business growth — all of which requires a team able to think on their feet and be engaged […]


When your team is engaged, everyone wins! Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY CALL with Valerie Plis today to bring out the best in your leaders and teams!

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– Valerie

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