20 Things a Thanksgiving Turkey and a Leader Have in Common

Recently, my marketing specialist challenged me to write a “Thanksgiving blog.” So rather than write about giving thanks, being grateful, or showing gratitude, I decided to do something different. In an effort to have fun and engage my readers I posed the question … “what do Thanksgiving turkeys and leaders have in common?”

Here were their answers. Enjoy!

  1. They are both raised and developed over time for a specific purpose.
  2. Both require time, patience, and preparation to turn out good
  3. Great Thanksgiving turkeys don’t cook themselves. There is someone else that invests time into helping that turkey (or leader) become all it can be.
  4. In most cases the sides are what makes the Thanksgiving Turkey even better. Great leaders generally have a supportive team that helps him or her appear even more remarkable than if they stood alone.
  5. If not watched carefully, a Thanksgiving turkey and a leader can become dry and burned out over time.
  6. They can both make you sleepy.
  7. They both make sacrifices to help others.
  8. Sometimes they both run around like their heads have been cut off.
  9. A turkey and a leader with bushy eyebrows both need to be plucked!
  10. They both like being the center of attention.
  11. They’re both full of stuff.
  12. Some leaders, like turkeys, like to run wild.
  13. A turkey and a great leader can bring people together.
  14. Sometimes they share the same name. Tom.
  15. Turkeys and some leaders have beards.
  16. Some turkeys and leaders like to ramble … “gobble, gobble, gobble.”
  17. Their days are numbered.
  18. They’re both turkeys … just saying.
  19. According to “WKRP in Cincinnati,” turkeys (and leaders) can’t fly!
  20. Tough leaders … like tough turkey … are hard to swallow.


QUESTION: Which one is your favorite? What would you add?

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